1. Start with an End in Mind
Ask yourself, “Why am I speaking?” “What do I want the audience to do after listening to my speech?” This will help you focus on the message you want to share with your audience. It will help you focus on who is your audience, the key points, and what you want your audience to do after listening to you.
2. Keep It Simple
Keep your presentation simple by learning to “speak to express instead of speaking to impress.” Also keep it simple with the structure of your speech. An opening, body with tree major points, and a closing will help you connect with your audience.
Just be sincere, concise, and simple in your presentation and you will always connect with your audience.
3. Practice
Master your presentation by practicing. Here’s the secret to practicing…first read your speech to yourself 2-3 times. This allows you to work out the majority of the rough spots in your presentation before you start rehearsing.
Then rehearse in front of a mirror or even better a video camera or tape player. Also try to rehearse in front of someone whose opinion you value.
Then practice as close as possible to your speaking environment as possible. For example, if you will be speaking behind a lectern, practice with your notes on an ironing board.
4. Visualize Success
Before going to sleep the night before a presentation you have to take time to visualize the success of the presentation. The key to making visualization work for you is involving as many senses (sound, touch, sight, smell, etc.) as possible in your visualization. Visualize yourself giving a successful presentation where you see yourself as a confident presenter, hear yourself handling questions, etc. Visualize successful presentations so that it becomes real.
5. Nail Your Presentation Opening
It’s the first words your audience hears. Know your opening like the back of your hand. Know exactly what you are going to say. Once you get started and gain some momentum you will start to gain confidence for the rest of your speech.
It helps to pause for 3-5 seconds before you are about to start your presentation so that can focus on what you are about to say.
6. Nail Your Presentation Ending
It’s the last words your audience hears and reminder about you. You can have a great opening and body and have a bad ending and your audience your always remember how you ended.
Ask your audience to take action, think about an idea, etc. so that they understand why they are there.
7. Backup if You Forget
If you forget what you are about to say or lose your place in the presentation do the following:
Stop speaking. Take two steps backward. Then take a deep breath. Collect your thoughts. Smile. Take two steps forward and proceed with your presentation.
Go back and repeat the last sentence. That will help trigger what comes next in your presentation
If you forget a piece of information, collect yourself, and then go forward. Never say, “I’m sorry.” Unless the audience has a copy of every single word of your speech they will never know you forgot something.
8. Get Excited About Your Presentation
Get excited so that the audience is excited about hearing your presentation.
Some of the ways you can become excited is:
Remember what you say is important and can make a difference for your audience.
Every opportunity to present is a chance for you to succeed.
Every time you speak you become better than the last time.
Presenting will expose me to countless opportunities I wouldn’t have by not presenting.
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