Principle of Real Estate
Submitted to
M.A. Matin
Submitted by
ID: 0-27-
Section: A
Date: 05.03.2010
What is Real Estate? Real estate is property. The term property refers to any things that can be owned or possessed. Property can be tangible assets or an intangible asset.
What is tangible asset?
Tangible assets are physical things such as land building clothing and automobiles.
What is an Intangible asset? Intangible assets are non physical and include contractual rights (e.g.-mortgage and real of agreements) financial claims (e.g.- stakes bonds and trademarks)
Is any difference between Real estate and property?
No, there are no difference between real estate and property. Because Real estate means property.
What type of fundamental way in Real Estate business?
Real estate used as 3(three) fundamental way :
1. Use of land and building.
2. Use to denote the bundle of right.
3. Business operation of Real estate
What are the main principals of Real Estate?
The main principle of Real estate is Location, Location and Location .That means
Without location it is impossible to imagine progress of Real estate business.
What type of space in real estate?
There are two type of space:
1. Residential space.
2. Commercial space.
Commercial come Residential space.
Residential space : Residantial space is any house or flat where an individual lives with
His/her family members and all other residential facilities.
Commercial space: commercial space is any shop showroom and office space where different types of business transaction are occurred.
There is another type of building name commercial come residential –it is type of building where both commercial and residential facilities are available.
What are the main features of an ideal Residential or Residential complex?
The main features of an ideal residential product or residential complex are-
1. Maintain the low.
2. Must be environment echo friendly.
3. Must include the utility elements such as water supply, Electricity supply, sewerage etc.
4. Must provide strong security system.
5. Enough space or room should be provided.
6. Educate car parking facility.
7. Master bad and master toilet gets first priority.
8. Secondly kitchen should be hygienic and attractive.
What types of professionals are involved in Real Estate business?
There are huge involvements of various types of professionals in real estate business. Such as Buyer, Sellers, Brokers etc.
Buyer: buyer is person who has a capacity to buy the product, willingness to buy the product and willingness to spend the money to buy the product according to their demand.
Seller : Seller art ha kind of group who supply their product for the buyers according to thair demand.
Broker: Broker is a person or a group of person who give information to real estate Company about land, location and other important things. He works as middle man between the land owner and developers company for earning money.
What are the functions of a sales executive in Real Estate Company?
The function of a sales executive in Real Estate Company :
1. To collect information of competitors of a particular project.
2. To know all information about the project and the particular shop, showroom, office space or an apartment.
3. To find out comparative advantage of the product that is going to be sold to the ultimate customer
4. To convince the customer.
5. To offer the particular flat, shop, showroom, office space as par needs and wants of the particular customer.
6. To sale the particular product to the ultimate customers.
In any type of various Industry and Markey it’s so essential because
What is Industry? Industry : Industry is a kind of place where various types or a collection of sales executive or sellers attend to sell their product in a specific market for the buyers.Imdustry means collection of seller.
What is market?
Market : Market is a kind of place where sellers are attending with their product for selling it to the buyers. Market means collection of business.
What is Demand?
1. Capacity to buy the product .
2Willing ness to buy the product.
3. Willing ness to spend the money to buy the product.
What type of characteristics in Real Estate Market?
Characteristics of Real Estate Market:
1. Heterogeneous products.
2. Immobile product.
3. Locatize market.
4. Segmented market.
Real Estate Professional Activities:
1. Real estate brokerage leasing and property management service.
2. Apprisal and consoling service.
3. Site selection acquisition and property development.
4 Constructions.
5. Mortgage Finance and securitization.
6. Corporete and institutional investment.
7. Government activities such as planning land use regulation, environmental production and taxation.
Real Estate department :
1 Sales department.
2 Marketing and promotion department.
3 Land procurement department.
4. Purchase department.
5. Logistic department.
6. Administration department.
7. Accounts and finance department.
8. Engineering department.
9. Architecture department.
10. Customer care department.
11. Research and development department.
What are the qualities of a “sales and marketing executives”?
Qualities of a “sales and marketing executives”:
Personal qualities :
1. The particular individual should be presentable to look at.
2. Attractive face.
3. Should be very much intelligence.
Professional qualities :
1. The particular individual should have good educational, background, preferable BBA or MBA degree or sales and marketing.
2. Analytical.
3. Psychological skill.
4. Good presentation skill.
5. Behaviors skill.
6. Convancing power etc.
In every business the main fundamental is ethics because-
Ethics is a kind of behavior or good quality, responsibility, honesty and ratability. It makes confidence, stronger and makes a good will in the society.
The role of developer: The role of developer is the private development sectors in Bangladesh .
Land cost per Katha:
What type of Time vale of money?
There are six type of Time vale of money:
1. Future value
2. Present value
3. Lumpsum.
4. Ordinary Equity.
5. Compounding.
6. Discounting.
What is Future value?
Future value: The value of the money is some period beyond time zero.Calculating a future value” means converting cash invest in the current period (or some prior period) in to what it will be worth at some data.
Where, FV=Future value.
N=Number of year.
R=Rate of interest of the investment.
What is Present value?
Present value: The value of future cash flows at time zero ‘Taking the present value of cash inflow ‘means converting future cash flow in present value.
Where=Present value.
N=Number of year.
R=Rate of interest of the investment.
What type of Real Estate Development?
There are two type of Real Estate Development:
1. Direct land purchase system
2. Jointventure system.
Business is relation, relation is business : There is no doubt that business is maintaining our socio-economical life. Now the world is depending on business because all most all people of the world depend on it.
Relation is very important part of business; it makes good will and big network. It can not imagine a successful business with out good relationship, so it has been said relation is business and business is relation. A better relationship makes a company; industry or a business successful. Because it helps to rising a fund for business, collection of information, marketing etc. So it can be said, with out relation business is impossible.
Marketing is business and business is marketing :
Marketing is the process associated with promotion for sale goods or services. It is considered a social and managerial process by which individuals and gropes obtain what they need and exchanging product and value with other. It is use to create the customer and customer is the first target of the business. So it can be said that marketing is business and business is marketing.
FAR=Floor area Ratio.
RAJUK=Rajdhani unnayan Kortipakkha.
Land measurements:
1.1sq.m=10.76 sq.ft
2.1 sq.f=1/10.76 sq.m
3.1 Katha=720 sq.ft
4.20 Katha=1 Bigha
5.33Dacimal=1 Bigha
6.20 Katha=33Dacima
7.1 Decimal=20/33=0.60Katha.
8. 1 Katha=33/20=1.65 Decimal.
Difference between market and industry:
Market Industry
Buyer Product Seller
Demand Supply
Draw the diagram of sales department
Director Operation
Director Sales
GM Sales
Manager Manager
Deputy Manager Deputy Manager (TL) 1 (TL) 2
Asst. Manager Asst. Manager
Draw the marketing and promotion diagram:
DM-1 DM-2
E11 E12 E21 E22
Engineering department:
Chief Engineer
Asst. Chief Engineer
(Project manager) PM1 PM2 PM3
P1 P2 P3
Site Site Supervisor Storekeeper
Engineer Enginee
Architecture Department:
Chief Architect
Asst. Architect
Drafts man
Show difference between sales and marketing?
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